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公司名称: guangzhou julang exhibition company 营业执照已上传
所在省份: 广东  
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: Julang Exhibition CO.,LTD was established in 1996 located in Guangzhou which is the trade center city of China . Julang was approved to hold professional exhibition by the people's government of China .It is also one of the reputable specialized exhibition companies with rich experience in China .  
公司简介: Julang Exhibition CO.,LTD was established in 1996 located in Guangzhou which is the trade center city of China . Julang was approved to hold professional exhibition by the people's government of China .It is also one of the reputable specialized exhibition companies with rich experience in China . 
guangzhou julang exhibition company / 广东 / 广州天河珠江新城华明路29号星汇园A13A04-3A06 (510623) / 电话:02038620785

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